WHO: Ages 12 through 70's
WHERE: Owings Mills High School Gym
COST: Membership Fees
$60 for 21+ years old
$45 under 20 years old
Guest Play: $5 per visit
Family member Discount: Each additional family member gets $10 discount
CONTACT: Interested in being a Chairperson for a program? CONTACT: Rec office 410-887-1582
WHO: Boys & Girls Ages 4 to 14
WHERE: Practices and games held at Northwest Regional Park and other local schools
WHEN: Season begins in early April and concludes June 15th
COST: Ages 4-9: $45; ages 10-14: $65. Registration includes full uniform
CONTACT: Rodney Hayes at rhayes1102@gmail.com
MORE INFO: Please visit our website www.leaguelineup.com/omsbc or www.stonealley.com/program/OwingsMills/group/Baseball to register and for additional information.
FACEBOOK: @owingsmillsbaseball
WHO: Boys & Girls Ages 5-17
WHERE: Practices and games held at local schools
WHEN: Season begins in November through March
COST: Registration opens on September 1 and runs through November 1.
Multi-Child discounts are available and registration will be on a first come first serve basis.
CONTACT: MAURICE at omrecbasketball@gmail.com
MORE INFO: Online Registration @ https://www.stonealley.com/program/OwingsMills/group/YouthBasketball
Walk In Registration: contact Maurice for more information.
Every participant must attend assessments to be properly placed on teams
FACEBOOK: @owingsmillsrecbasketball
WHO: Ages 18+
Interested in being a Chairperson for a program? CONTACT: Rec office 410-887-1582
WHO: The Owings Mills Wolfpack Cheer Program, per UCCL Rules, is available to players that are 4 years old prior to August 1, and to players that are 15 years old prior to August 1. Persons enrolled in High School are eligible to participate if not participating in any other High School Sport.
WHERE: Practices will be held at Northwest Regional Park (subject to change).
WHEN: Our Fall season will take place from August to November. Our extended, competition only season, will take place from December to April.
COST: $175 per registrant; $25 discount for each sibling after the first fully paid registration.
Registration open: https://www.stonealley.com/program/OwingsMills/group/Cheer
CONTACT: OM.Wolfpackcheer@gmail.com
WHO: All Ages
WHERE: Northwest Regional Park Plots
WHEN: April to November - 2023 season not open
WHEN: March through May
CONTACT INFORMATION: terrellgordon@omffl.com
Flag Football/7v7 Ages: 4U-5U (Pre-K thru KG) [coming in Spring 2022]
Tackle Football Ages: 6U-14U (1st-8th grade)
Strength & Conditioning Clinics
WHERE: Practices and games held at Northwest Regional Park and other local schools
WHEN: Fall and Spring seasons for Flag & Tackle
COST: New players $200 registration per participant. Returning players $175 registration per participant. $25 discount for each sibling after the first full-paid registration.
CONTACT INFORMATION: omwolfpackfb@gmail.com
MORE INFO: Please visit our website Owings Mills Wolfpack Football for clinics and additional information. See the 2022 flyer.
REGISTRATION: Open https://www.stonealley.com/program/OwingsMills/group/Football
WHO: Ages 13 to 18
WHERE: Practices are held at New Town Elementary School
WHEN: All year, Tuesday's and Thursday's 6:00 - 8:00 pm and Saturday's 10:00 - 2:00 pm
COST: $110 per person
CONTACT: Talise Settle at 443-204-7302 or thesist3rlyway@gmail.com
MORE INFO: 2022 November Tryouts
REGISTRATION: Online at www.stonealley.com/program/OwingsMills/group/SisterlySteppas
WHO: Co-ed Ages 5 to 10, as of 1/1
WHERE: Practices and games are held at Owings Mills High School
WHEN: Season is from January to March on Sunday's Only. Teams will have scheduled 1.5 hour time slots between 10am-6pm that vary every week.
COST: $70 1st child; $45 for each additional sibling
CONTACT: Crystal Slayton at cslaytonsoccer@gmail.com
MORE INFO: Players will receive uniform shirts, shorts and socks. Shin guards and shoes for running in the gym (no cleats) are the responsibility of each player.
REGISTRATION: Starts October through November. For more information go to https://www.stonealley.com/program/OwingsMills/group/YouthSoccer
WHO: Co-ed grades K - Middle School
WHERE: Practices and games held at Timber Grove Elem
WHEN: April to June on various days; Mon-Fri 6-9p; Sat 9a-6p (Exact times depend on team)
COST: $85 1st child; $55 additional child
CONTACT: Crystal Slayton owingsmillsrecsoccer@gmail.com
MORE INFO: For more information go to https://www.stonealley.com/program/OwingsMills/group/YouthSoccer
REGISTRATION: Stars February through April
WHO: Girls Ages 6 to 18
WHERE: Practices at Local Schools and games through the surrounding area
WHEN: Season begins in early April and concludes in June 2022
CONTACT: Steven Collins at mdbaybandits@gmail.com
MORE INFO: Please visit our Stone Alley page at MD Bay Bandits Softball to register and for additional information.
WHO: Grades K - 5th
WHERE: New Town Elementary and Timber Grove Elementary
WHEN: No registration in 2022
MORE INFO: Please call the Rec office 410-887-1582 for additional information.
WHO: Ages 7 to 18. Must be at least 7 years old by December 31st.
WHERE: New Town High School
WHEN: Spring Season: March 12th to May 31st/Summer Season: May 23rd to July 31st
COST: $210 Spring only/$335 Spring & Summer
CONTACT: Chuck Edington at owingsmillstrackandfield@gmail.com
MORE INFO: Please visit our website www.owingsmillstrack.com to register and for additional information or see the 2022 flyer.
REGISTRATION: https://www.stonealley.com/program/OwingsMills/group/TrackField
WHO: Ages 18+
WHERE: Owings Mills High School gym
WHEN: September to June, Monday & Wednesday 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
COST: Drop-in registration; $2 per day/$80 a year
CONTACT: Rec office 410-887-1582 or go to https://www.meetup.com/volleyball-124/ and sign-up to get e-mails on short notice late starts and cancellations